Djamilla NadiDevi Sada Ram
“What’s your passion?”
“I would say that my passion has many layers and that there are many ways to access that inner alchemy and juju. One of the modalities for me is dance and movement. So dance and movement. Any sound really. Even the sound of my breath can be a vehicle for me to get into the motion, the movement, and the layers when I lose access with my intellectual mind and I just become the essence of my soul. That is when I’m in my passion.”
“How does your passion fit into the larger picture for humanity?”
“I would say as a source of inspiration to be oneself fully. By just being me and showing that it is possible to live authentically without any additives or drugs or alcohol. A very pure life that still has access to pure vitality, grace, and the connection to the infinite.”
“How did you discover these depths within yourself? I’d imagine it was a journey…”
“I would say that it’s a beginning-less journey and a beginning-less life and most likely with the amplification of multiple births and multiple lifetimes all adding up to this one moment of exquisite eternal now. In many ways I feel like that this life in particular, and there might be multiple ones happening simultaneously, but in this one in particular as Djamilla I’ve had the fortune and talent to live a very graceful scenario with the opportunities to travel and see the world and partake in sacred elements and temples and monasteries. The preciousness of experiencing the eternal essence of my soul and not just being fixed to one particular expression.”
“What would you say your biggest challenge is?”
“What does that mean to you?”
“It means I have deep curiosity to travel into the realms beyond physical body and a deep curiosity to discover the dimensions beyond the physical 3d human shape. I love being human right now but I’m also interested in what’s beyond this.”
“So I hear you that you’re interested in the spiritual realm, but what about the human realm what’s your biggest challenge as a human?”
“There are multiple ones but I’ve learned to love the challenges. One thing I’m working on on a daily basis is to constantly refine my being. I can always be kinder and more patient. Even in my meditation not to rush. That relationship with time is my greatest challenge. I have a great relationship with time but there’s also an element inside of me of being really eager. I want to get on to the next breath, the next moment, the next experience, whatever it may be. To fully sit in that stillness is the greatest challenge.”
“What do you do to surrender to the present moment?”
“It’s a choice. It’s a deepening of focus. There are a zillion ways to get there but it’s sinking into myself, sinking into my heart. It’s like ‘Oh yeah, there’s the heart cave, there’s the temple, there’s the inner sanctuary.”
“You seem very thoughtful and intentional about how you express yourself, how does wearing PEACEfits play into the way you express yourself?”
“Well first off it’s my connection to my dear sweet soul brother Dre. Just knowing that it’s an element of his creation, his imagination, his inspiration and creativity, his essence. That to me is such a deep honor to be wearing a piece of art that comes from someone I so deeply respect. Also, we’re both wearing PEACEfits and we’re matching so there’s that tribal community feeling. We’re a very colorful family.”
“When it’s all said and done, not necessarily after you’ve left this plane, but after someone leaves your presence, what do you want them to feel?”
“Just uplifted, elevated, and happier than when they initially met me. And if possible more aligned with their highest destiny.”
“Thank you. Really beautiful poignant answers. Anything else you’d like to share?”