Jinny and Susy

“I finished a sound bath at Unplug Meditation in LA and felt so refreshed. My soul felt like it was barely in my body. A woman who looked like she was blissed out, and the sound bath facilitator were chatting together and I asked, “How was that for you?”


Left – You know what, you walk in and everything from the day is with you, and you have all of the stress and the events from the day with you…and then you go to the sound bath and it literally melts away. It melts away, and you can feel your vibration grow and resonate. It’s a beautiful, beautiful feeling that washes over you. And when you’re done with that, it’s like you just got out of a massage. But nothing touched you! It’s the most beautiful experience…I love it! 


What’s your favorite thing about giving sound baths?

Right – To feel the shift in people’s energy from when they first come in and they’re restless and they’re busy. They can barely sit still. And to start off by holding space for that, to let it be. And then to notice how throughout the experience it dissolves. It truly dissolves.

For me the experience is, I feel that busyness, and in the beginning after I make an intro talk, I can feel the energy, and I can feel the thoughts, and I have lots of thoughts in my own head, and then at a certain point in every sound bath, it goes from me wondering, ‘Is it working, is it working’ to transcendence. I just feel filled with love and I feel filled with light. Then at the end when everyone wakes up, and I see their faces, and people have tears in their eyes, and they experience relief from the busyness of their mind, and I’ve experienced relief from the busyness of my mind…it’s the shared feeling of calm. It’s the best!” @thecoppervessel

937A0390“What inspired you to become a sound healer?”

“I had never heard of sound baths before I came to LA, but I went to one without even asking what it was…like I just knew I was supposed to go. So, I just went. Then I would invite people to come and people would experience what I was experiencing. It felt so natural and comfortable like I wasn’t trying to sell it to anyone.

I woke up from the one sound bath, I remember it was at the old golden bridge, it was this amazing sound bath, and I knew that I was supposed to be sharing. It wasn’t a mental thing, it was a soul feeling that I just had no other choice. There was a period where I was like,  ‘what do I do? how do I do that? do I sign up for a course?’. That busyness of the mind of wondering how do I make this happen. And then my soul feeling was, ‘you don’t need to make anything happen, just keep doing what you’re doing and it’ll all work out.’ And it did.

My teacher appeared. Reiki attunements appeared. Bowls appeared. Opportunities appeared. I can’t explain it. The more I surrender, the more it comes.”

Connect with Susy for a soundbath at


Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/thecoppervessel/


July 8, 2018