Mark and Mira

Written by Kristina Bakrevski December 29, 2016

    “How did you guys meet?” Mira: “I was performing in a show. He was in the audience.” Mark: “She’s an accordionist and a singer. I was like, “Who is this? I’ve gotta meet this girl.” She was dressed in all black and had this little red ribbon in her hair. I looked at the girl to my left who was sitting… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski December 29, 2016

“What are you passionate about?” “Rock climbing. I used to live in Southern California and there used to be an indoor gym center there. It’s a good community and I went all the time. When I injured my wrist and didn’t go for a while, I missed all my friends and my life. They were a big part of my family and I… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski December 29, 2016

“What are you passionate about?” “I like working with people and collaborating. Being in a position where I can help people work together. I used to produce a music and arts festival called Lucidity and my skill set was pretty much exclusively bringing people together. There were a lot of artists who didn’t have a good outlet for expression and it was… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski December 29, 2016

  “I love to be in nature. I went up to Point Reyes a few months ago and it was beautiful. There was all this fog and I ran up this cliff and stood at the top that overlooked the bay. That’s what makes me feel the most alive. I come from Ireland so I grew up in the fields, near a big… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What is a challenge you faced recently that you had to overcome?” “My decision to retire out of the military. I have 4 kids and I hadn’t spent any time with them. If I decided to extend, that would mean going back to Iraq and Afghanistan. I could not guarantee my return. I put a lot of time on the field. Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What was the most impactful moment of your life thus far?” I was working in tech for companies like Facebook and Blackbox VC when I started having a curiosity about meditation and mindfulness. So much so that I left everything and moved to India at the drop of a hat. I didn’t even know where I was going to sleep that night. I wound… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What do you value that doesn’t cost any money?” There are so many qualities that don’t cost money. It’s amazing how mercantile we can be. Does trust have a price? Is honesty more expensive in one area than another? Is truthfulness something you can get in a vending machine? These qualities are most important to me. They are not monetary in nature because they’re not… Read More

Jesse Sanchez

Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What is one thing you really like about yourself?” “I am my mother’s son. I use my mother as a model for everything I do in life. She has dedicated her life to supporting our family and making sure that those around her are taken care of. She helps the people around her realize how incredibly great they are. So I always do my best… Read More

Nadia Mufti

Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What are you the most passionate about?” Understanding human consciousness and what that means. What different levels of consciousness look like and feel like. How to help people move between them through asking questions and creating experiences. How do we create environments and societal structures to raise human consciousness and connectedness? “What’s your relationship with your mother like?” Overall it’s good, but it… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What’s one of your favorite things about yourself? I feel really deeply what other people feel, which can be a positive and a negative thing. Sometimes I feel like I take on the emotional burden of a lot of people, even people that I don’t know. But I think it’s given me a lot, I can empathize with people and connect with people I might… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What are you passionate about?” My 4 kids, but I’m trying to not just be a mom, but be me as well. Finding out who I am, who what I’ve become and what I want. Focusing on myself more. “What have you learned from your kids?” As an adult, you grow up and forget about how to use your imagination because of your fears… Read More

Azizi Dotson

Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“What does the perfect day look like to you?” Waking up early to get some stuff done, but naturally. Feeling well-rested and energized. Spending time praying and preparing for the day, reflecting on the day before. Then doing something productive but no one telling me what to do. And then along the way, a lot of organic, human interaction, having conversations and experiencing… Read More

Alex Who and David Block

Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

“Tell me the dynamic of your relationship.” A: I’ve been lucky enough to get his vibe. I know nothing about what moved him to make the music he makes, but I’m really excited because it comes from this deeper, inner groove that I also have. I noticed that from the get go. D: We didn’t even meet until yesterday. A: Oh yeah, I… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski November 2, 2016

What is your relationship with your mother like?” “She had a really difficult life. She lost her mom when she was 7 years old, oldest of 7 brothers total. She had to play mom at 7. I learned from her the spirit of forming a family and helping others to grow. You need to take care of your family and your closest ones, in a… Read More


Written by Kristina Bakrevski October 20, 2016

“What is your favorite memory from childhood?” All of the love and support and guidance my grandmother gave to me. She taught me manners, how to save money, how to cook, how to love and take care of people, and to not be afraid to cry. Now everytime I get emotional, I don’t get embarrassed because it’s a way for me to connect… Read More

Perry Finley

Written by Kristina Bakrevski October 20, 2016

“What are you the most passionate about?” On a personal level it’s improving myself every day. The cumulative effect of moving an inch every day is far greater than moving a couple of feet once in awhile. In the grand scheme of things, I just want to make people smile which is I guess why I have this in my hand. If… Read More